freeRASP requires a minimum SDK level of 23. To update the minimum SDK level of the application, follow these steps:
From the root of your project (or module level), go to thebuild.gradle.
Update minSdkVersion to at least 23 (Android 6.0) or higher.
buildscript {
ext {
minSdkVersion 23
đĻ Add the dependency
Set Talsec's Artifact Registry in your project'ssettings.gradle(orbuild.gradle). You should comment out the relevant section in settings.gradle, if you want to use build.gradle, as settings.gradle is preferred:
To ensure freeRASP functions correctly, you need to provide the necessary configuration. All required values must be filled in for the plugin to operate properly. Use the following template to configure the plugin. Detailed descriptions of the configuration options are provided on the API page.
Create an arbitrary subclass of Application(), override its onCreate()method and implement ThreatListener.ThreatDetected interface. You can, of course, use your Application subclass if you already have one in your project. If you encounter issues importing ThreatListener.ThreatDetected, please use 'Sync Project with Gradle Files' to resolve them.â
class TalsecApplication : Application(), ThreatListener.ThreatDetected {
override fun onCreate() {
Add a new subclass to AndroidManifest.xml, inside <application> tag:
Set up the Configuration for your app with your values, which are explained in more detail in API.
companion object {
private const val expectedPackageName = "com.aheaditec.talsec.demoapp" // Don't use Context.getPackageName!
private val expectedSigningCertificateHashBase64 = arrayOf(
) // Replace with your release (!) signing certificate hashes
private const val watcherMail = "" // for Alerts and Reports
private val supportedAlternativeStores = arrayOf(
"" // Add other stores, such as the Samsung Galaxy Store
private val isProd = true
override fun onCreate() {
val config = TalsecConfig.Builder(
đˇ Handle detected threats
You can handle the detected threats using listeners. For example, you can log the event, show a window to the user or kill the application. See the Threat detection to learn more details about the performed checks and their importance for app security.
Implement methods of ThreatListener.ThreatDetected interface:
override fun onRootDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onDebuggerDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onEmulatorDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onTamperDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onUntrustedInstallationSourceDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onHookDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onDeviceBindingDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onObfuscationIssuesDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onScreenshotDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onScreenRecordingDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onMalwareDetected(p0: MutableList<SuspiciousAppInfo>?) {
For the onMalwareDetected(p0: MutableList<SuspiciousAppInfo>?) callback, make sure you visit freeMalwareDetection,a powerful feature designed to scan for malicious or suspicious apps.
Optionally, you can use a device state listener to get additional information about the device state, like passcode lock and HW-backed Keystore state:
private val deviceStateListener = object : ThreatListener.DeviceState {
override fun onUnlockedDeviceDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onHardwareBackedKeystoreNotAvailableDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onDeveloperModeDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onADBEnabledDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onSystemVPNDetected() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
Optionally, you can integrate the screen capture methods to detect threats like screenshots - onScreenshotDetected() or screen recording - onScreenRecordingDetected(). If you do not implement the steps below, these detections will not work, in that case, you can just leave the implementations empty.
To use onScreenshotDetected() you have to be on Android 14+ (API 34+). Also, the application needs the following permission:
To utilize active protection, you can use Talsec.blockScreenCapture(activity, true). To receive whether the screen capture is blocked, you can use the Talsec.isScreenCaptureBlocked(). For more details about all these screen capture methods, see Screen Capture.
Integration of all these methods should be performed at the Application level to best address the Android lifecycle:
import android.view.WindowManager.SCREEN_RECORDING_STATE_VISIBLE
import java.util.function.Consumer
class TalsecApplication : Application(), ThreatListener.ThreatDetected {
private var currentActivity: Activity? = null
private var screenCaptureCallback: Activity.ScreenCaptureCallback? = null
private val screenRecordCallback: Consumer<Int> = Consumer<Int> { state ->
override fun onCreate() {
registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(object : ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
override fun onActivityCreated(activity: Activity, bundle: Bundle?) {
// Set to 'true' to block screen capture
Talsec.blockScreenCapture(activity, false)
override fun onActivityStarted(activity: Activity) {
currentActivity = activity
override fun onActivityResumed(activity: Activity) {}
override fun onActivityPaused(activity: Activity) {}
override fun onActivityStopped(activity: Activity) {
if (activity == currentActivity) {
currentActivity = null
override fun onActivitySaveInstanceState(activity: Activity, bundle: Bundle) {}
override fun onActivityDestroyed(activity: Activity) {}
private fun registerCallbacks(activity: Activity) {
screenCaptureCallback = Activity.ScreenCaptureCallback {
baseContext.mainExecutor, screenCaptureCallback!!
val initialState = activity.windowManager.addScreenRecordingCallback(
mainExecutor, screenRecordCallback
private fun unregisterCallbacks() {
currentActivity?.let { activity ->
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE && screenCaptureCallback != null) {
screenCaptureCallback = null
Modify initialization of ThreatListener:
override fun onCreate() {
// ThreatListener(this).registerListener(this)
ThreatListener(this, deviceStateListener).registerListener(this)
đĄī¸ Start freeRASP
override fun onCreate() {
Talsec.start(this, config)
đ Enable source code obfuscation
You can make sure that the obfuscation is enabled by checking the value of minifyEnabled property in your module's build.gradle file.
Read more about why this is important in the wiki.
freeMalwareDetection is a powerful feature designed to enhance the security of your Android application by quickly and efficiently scanning for malicious or suspicious applications (e.g. Android malware) based on various blacklists and security policies.
It helps to detect apps with suspicious package names, hashes, or potentially dangerous permissions.
Visit the freeMalwareDetection repository to learn more about this feature! For the integration, refer to the integration guide for the Android platform.
isProd is a boolean flag that determines whether the freeRASP integration is in the Dev or Release version. If you want to learn more about isProd, visit this .