⚛ī¸React Native

📝 Prerequisites

The freeRASP has the following prerequisites that must be met before starting.


freeRASP requires a minimum SDK level of 23. React Native projects, by default, support even lower levels of minimum SDK. This creates an inconsistency we must solve by updating the minimum SDK level of the application:

  • From the root of your project, go to android > build.gradle.

  • In buildscript, update minSdkVersion to at least 23 (Android 6.0) or higher.

buildscript {
    ext {
      minSdkVersion 23


freeRASP React Native plugin uses Pods. Navigate to the ios folder and run:

$ pod install

đŸ“Ļ Install the plugin

  • Install the plugin using your preferred package manager

    npm install freerasp-react-native

    yarn add freerasp-react-native
  • Navigate to the ios folder and run:

    $ pod install

⚙ī¸ Setup the Configuration for your App

To ensure freeRASP functions correctly, you need to provide the necessary configuration and initialize it. All required values must be filled in for the plugin to operate properly. Use the following template to configure the plugin. Detailed descriptions of the configuration options are provided on the API page.

In the the entry point to your app, import freeRASP and add the code below.

For Android apps, you must get your expected signing certificate hashes in Base64 form. You can go through this manual to learn how to sign your app in more detail, including manual signing and using Google's Play app signing.

FreeRASP provides a React Custom Hook that handles all required logic as registration of freeRASP, mounting and unmounting of listeners for you.

import { useFreeRasp } from 'freerasp-react-native';

// app configuration
const config = {
  androidConfig: {
    packageName: 'com.awesomeproject',
    certificateHashes: ['your_signing_certificate_hash_base64'],
    supportedAlternativeStores: ['com.sec.android.app.samsungapps'],
  iosConfig: {
    appBundleId: 'com.awesomeproject',
    appTeamId: 'your_team_ID',
  watcherMail: 'your_email_address@example.com',
  isProd: true,

👷 Handle detected threats

freeRASP executes periodical checks when the application is running. You can handle the detected threats using listeners. For example, you can log the event, show a window to the user or kill the application. See the Threat detection in the wiki to learn more details about the performed checks and their importance for app security.

Threat reactions should be specified inside a JavaScript object.

// reactions for detected threats
const actions = {
  // Android & iOS
  privilegedAccess: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  debug: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  simulator: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  appIntegrity: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  unofficialStore: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  hooks: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  deviceBinding: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  secureHardwareNotAvailable: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  systemVPN: () => {
  // Android & iOS
  passcode: () => {
  // iOS only
  deviceID: () => {
  // Android only
  obfuscationIssues: () => {
  // Android only
  devMode: () => {

🛡ī¸ Start freeRASP

Start freeRASP to detect threats by calling the useFreeRasp hook, below the created config and the callback handler:

useFreeRasp(config, actions);

Please note that useFreeRasp Hook should be called outside useEffect.

When freeRASP initializes correctly, you should see freeRASP initialized message in the logs. Otherwise, you'll see a warning with a description of what went wrong.

You can override this default behaviour by extending the actions object with started key (to change action after successful initialization), and initializationError key (to set up action after unsuccessful initialization)

Alternative: Initialize freeRASP in a Class component

Import methods from the freeRASP plugin:

import {
} from 'freerasp-react-native';

Override constructor() method in the entry point to your app set listeners to threats and start freeRASP:

constructor(props) {

  // Add these method calls

In this code snippet, actions is object with your reactions to threats and config is a freeRASP configuration object from previous parts of the readme.

Override componentWillUnmount() method where you clean up the listeners:

componentWillUnmount() {

🌁 Enable source code obfuscation

The easiest way to obfuscate your app is via code minification, a technique that reduces the size of the compiled code by removing unnecessary characters, whitespace, and renaming variables and functions to shorter names. It can be configured for Android devices in android/app/build.gradle like:

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            shrinkResources true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'

Please note that some other modules in your app may rely on reflection, therefore it may be necessary to add corresponding keep rules into proguard-rules.pro file.

If there is a problem with the obfuscation, freeRASP will notify you about it via obfuscationIssues callback.

Read more about why this is important in the wiki.

Last updated