
The most frequent issues occurring during integration:


Upgrading from freeRASP 4.x.x or earlier

Please remove the old TalsecRuntime.xcframework and integration script from your project:

  1. Go to your project's ios folder

  2. Open Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode

  3. On the top bar, select Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme...

  4. On the left side, select Build -> Pre-actions

  5. Find the integration script and click the trash icon on the right side to remove it

  6. Open the .flutter-plugins (in the root folder of the app), and get the address where the freerasp is installed.

  7. Go to the given folder, and remove the freerasp folder file.

  8. Delete the .symlinks folder from the project.

  9. Run pub get

  10. Run pod install to test it

Otherwise, no further setup is required.

Note: You need Xcode 15 to be able to build the application.

Android Devices

Could not find ... dependency issue

Solution: Add dependency manually (see issue).

In android -> app -> build.gradle add these dependencies

dependencies {
    // Talsec dependency
    implementation '<version>'
Code throws java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for... exception when building APK

Solution: The Android version of freeRASP is already obfuscated.

Add this rule to your file:

-keepclasseswithmembernames,includedescriptorclasses class * {
native ;
APK size increased a lot after implementation of freeRASP

Solution: In android/app/src/AndroidManifest.xml add attribute into application tag:


The updated tag might look like this:


As pointed out in this issue comment, setting extractNativeLibs to true removes native libraries from the final APK, resulting in a smaller size. Conversely, setting it to false keeps the libraries uncompressed and stored within the APK, which increases the APK size but might allow the application to load faster because the libraries are loaded directly at runtime.

iOS Devices

Unable to build release for simulator in Xcode (errors)

Solution: The simulator does not support the release build of Flutter - more about it here. Use a real device in order to build the app in release mode.

MissingPluginException occurs on hot restart

Solution: Technical limitation of Flutter - more about it here. Use command flutter run to launch the app (i.e. run the app from scratch).

For more general issues or questions, visit FAQ page. You can also check out the Issues section of our GitHub repository, where you can report issues and view existing reports.

Last updated