
đŸ“Ļ Add the dependency

  1. From GitHub, Copy Talsec folder into your Application folder.

  2. Drag & drop the Talsec folder to your .xcworkspace.

  3. Add TalsecRuntime framework to Target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries.

  4. In the General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content choose Embed & Sign.

Note: In case you are using Carthage, the zipped version of the framework is included in the GitHub Releases.

⚙ī¸ Setup the Configuration for your App

To ensure freeRASP functions correctly, you need to provide the necessary configuration. All required values must be filled in for the plugin to operate properly. Use the following template to configure the plugin. Detailed descriptions of the configuration options are provided on the API page.

In the AppDelegate import TalsecRuntime and add the following code (e.g., in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.:

let config = TalsecConfig(
    appBundleIds: ["YOUR_APP_BUNDLE_ID"], 
    appTeamId: "YOUR TEAM ID", 
    watcherMailAddress: "WATCHER EMAIL ADDRESS", 
    isProd: true

It does not have to be AppDelegate, it can be anywhere. However, the recommended approach is to start the SDK as soon as possible.

👷 Handle detected threats

You can handle the detected events using handlers. For example, you can log the event, show a window to the user or kill the application. See the Threat detection to learn more details about the performed checks and their importance for app security.

  1. Anywhere in your project (e.g. in AppDelegate), add the following code as an extension:

    import TalsecRuntime
    extension SecurityThreatCenter: SecurityThreatHandler {
        public func threatDetected(_ securityThreat: TalsecRuntime.SecurityThreat) {
            print("Found incident: \(securityThreat.rawValue)")

  2. Use the code above for handling these types of events:

    public enum SecurityThreat: String, Codable, CaseIterable, Equatable {
        /// app integrity / repackaging / tampering
        case signature = "appIntegrity"
        /// jailbreak
        case jailbreak = "privilegedAccess"
        /// debugger
        case debugger = "debug"
        /// runtime manipulation / hooks
        case runtimeManipulation = "hooks"
        /// disabled passcode
        case passcode
        /// passcode change
        case passcodeChange
        /// simulator
        case simulator
        /// missing Secure Enclave
        case missingSecureEnclave
        /// device binding
        case deviceChange = "device binding"
        /// changed deviceID
        case deviceID
        /// unofficial store or Xcode build
        case unofficialStore
        /// Detected system VPN
        case systemVPN

🛡ī¸ Start freeRASP

Invoke the following method right after setting up the TalsecConfig in previous steps.

let config = TalsecConfig(...)
Talsec.start(config: config)

Last updated