Authentication vulnerabilities remain one of the most critical security concerns in mobile application development. When building Flutter applications, developers often overlook crucial security aspects while integrating third-party authentication providers.
The combined total of apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store has surpassed 6 million, but a startling 75% of these apps have at least one security flaw, highlighting the widespread vulnerability in mobile app ecosystems.
The Stakes: Beyond Basic Authentication
Mobile authentication attacks have evolved beyond simple credential theft. Modern attack vectors target the entire authentication flow, from initial user input to session management. A compromised authentication system doesn't just expose user credentials - it potentially compromises your entire API surface area.
Consider this scenario: An attacker extracts an improperly stored refresh token from a jailbroken device. Even with perfect password security and MFA implementation, this single vulnerability allows indefinite API access through token refresh mechanisms.
While providers like Firebase, Supabase, and Auth0 implement encryption to safeguard user data. providers manage backend security, developers must ensure secure practices in their apps to eliminate vulnerabilities. The post will provide actionable insights on encryption, secure token storage, and robust communication strategies for Flutter apps.
Understanding user flow from login / logout
The authentication flow in a Flutter application represents a complex sequence of security-critical operations. Each step presents unique vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. Let's analyse the complete flow, focusing on security implications at each stage.
Security Checkpoints
Launch the App: The app initializes and prepares the login screen. At this stage, failing to sanitize inputs or enforce app integrity checks could expose the app to tampering.
Input Validation: Users enter their credentials. Weak validation can allow injection attacks or malformed inputs.
Initiate Login Request: The app sends credentials to the server. Without secure communication channels, credentials may be intercepted.
Receive Authentication Response: A successful response contains tokens; insecure handling can lead to theft or misuse.
Token Management: Tokens need secure storage and monitoring for expiration. Improper storage can lead to credential exposure.
API Calls and Logout: Valid tokens allow API access, while the logout process ensures no lingering session data exists.
Implementing a secure auth flow
JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is a compact, URL-safe way to securely transmit information between two parties as a JSON object. It’s commonly used for authentication and information exchange. A JWT is composed of three parts:
Header: Specifies the token type (JWT) and the signing algorithm (e.g., HS256).
Payload: Contains the claims (data like user info or permissions). Claims can be public, private, or registered (e.g., iss, exp).
Signature: Ensures the token’s integrity using the header, payload, and a secret or public/private key.
JWTs are signed, not encrypted, making them verifiable but not inherently confidential. They’re ideal for stateless authentication and are often used in APIs, enabling secure communication without server-side storage.
JSON Web Tokens form the backbone of modern authentication systems. Their structure requires careful handling and validation:
Before we dive into the implementation, let's set up our project with the necessary dependencies. Add these to your pubspec.yaml:
sdk: flutter
supabase_flutter: ^1.10.25 # For authentication
flutter_secure_storage: ^9.0.0 # For secure token storage
provider: ^6.1.1 # For state management
freerasp: ^6.0.0 # For security checks
1. Setting Up Security Service
The Security Service acts as your application's first line of defense. It continuously monitors the device environment and enforces security policies. This service helps protect your app against:
Device Tampering: Detects rooted (Android) or jailbroken (iOS) devices
Development Tools: Identifies debugging attempts and emulator usage
Runtime Threats: Monitors for malicious hooks and code modifications
Brute Force Attacks: Implements rate limiting to prevent repeated login attempts
The service uses freeRASP for device integrity checks and maintains an in-memory store of failed login attempts. When security violations are detected, it notifies the UI layer to take appropriate action.
The security service monitors device integrity and manages rate limiting. Create lib/services/security_service.dart:
Authentication tokens are like digital keys to your application. Without proper lifecycle management, these keys could become a security liability. Let's understand why token management is crucial and how we've implemented it.
Understanding the Risks
If an attacker obtains a token stored in plain text or one that never expires, they could potentially access a user's account indefinitely. Additionally, without proper refresh mechanisms, users might experience frequent, frustrating logouts.
Here's how tokens are often stored insecurely using SharedPreferences:
The initialization phase is crucial as it sets up the security foundation for your entire application. This phase orchestrates the proper setup and interaction of all security components.
While our project uses Supabase's built-in networking, lot of Flutter applications use Dio for HTTP communications. Let's explore how to implement secure networking with Dio.
Imagine sending a postcard versus a sealed letter. HTTP is like a postcard - anyone handling it can read its contents.
Authentication testing is crucial for ensuring your security measures work as intended. Our testing approach combines mock generation with comprehensive test scenarios to verify authentication flows, error handling, and security constraints.
Setting Up Authentication Tests
To implement our tests, we need two key files:
auth_test.dart: Contains our test scenarios and implementations
auth_test.mocks.dart: Auto-generated mocks for simulating authentication services
First, ensure you have the required dependencies in your pubspec.yaml:
In our testing setup, we leverage Mockito's powerful code generation capabilities to create mock services. By adding the @GenerateMocks([SupabaseAuthService]) annotation to our test file, we tell Mockito which classes need to be mocked. When we run flutter pub run build_runner build, Mockito automatically generates auth_test.mocks.dart, which contains a sophisticated mock implementation of our SupabaseAuthService.
The combination of mock generation and comprehensive test scenarios provides confidence in our authentication system's reliability and security.
8. Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-Factor Authentication strengthens your application's security by requiring multiple forms of verification. Think of it as adding multiple locks to your front door – each additional layer makes unauthorized access significantly more difficult.
Possession factors (something you have) • Mobile devices • Security tokens • Authentication apps
Inherence factors (something you are) • Fingerprints • Face recognition • Voice patterns
Popular MFA Methods
Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP)
TOTP enhances security through authenticator apps that generate temporary codes using time-synchronized algorithms. These codes automatically expire after 30 seconds, providing a secure yet convenient authentication method. The time-sensitive nature ensures that intercepted codes quickly become useless, making it an effective choice for applications requiring strong security.
SMS and Email Verification
SMS and email verification offer familiar authentication experiences using existing communication channels. While simple to implement and widely accessible, these methods are considered less secure due to potential vulnerabilities like SIM swapping or email compromise. They remain popular for applications where user convenience takes priority over maximum security measures.
Building secure authentication in Flutter requires a careful balance between security and user experience. Throughout this guide, we've explored implementing a authentication system that protects user data without compromising usability.
While our implementation provides a solid foundation for secure authentication, remember that security is not a one-time implementation. Regular reviews and updates of your security measures are essential to maintain strong protection for your users.
The principles and patterns we've discussed serve as a starting point. Your specific application may require additional security measures depending on your use case, user base, and sensitivity of data.
Keep building secure applications, stay informed about emerging security threats, and always prioritise your users' data protection.
written by Himesh Panchal
Himesh Panchal
I’m a passionate web and tech enthusiast who has been working with Flutter since its 1.0. I specialise in optimising mobile app CI/CD workflows and enjoy writing technical articles to share my knowledge with the developer community. When I’m not coding, you’ll likely find me hiking in the mountains and connecting with nature.